The necessary materials and tools for work:
1. Brushes:
- squirrel brush for fills (number 8-14)
- synthetic brush for the main work (number 5-8)
- flat synthetic brush (to wiping).
2. Watercolor paints Nevskaya Palitra or paints in tubes:
- cadmium red
- cold red (e.g. carmine)
- cchre / neapolitan yellow
- sienna burned / ochre red
- iron oxide red
- ceruleum (van gogh is used in the course)
- ultramarine
- emerald (or "cobalt turquoise" 509 schmincke)
- sepia
- indigo
- violet
- olive
- cadmium orange
3. Watercolor paper:
- saunders waterford grain fin 300g
- fabriano artistico grain fin 300g (used in the course, but not recommended for wet-on-wet work, as the paper is highly damaged during the process)
- arshes grain fin 300g
4. Pencil and eraser
5. Paper towel
7. A container of water
8. White gouache (titanium)
9. A wet-holding tablet (plexiglass; plywood wrapped in food wrap (like in the course); a tablet wrapped with transparent tape).
10. Hair dryer