Watercolor paper:
- Arсhes - 100% cotton, cold pressed, 300gsm or
Saunders Waterford - 100% cotton, cold pressed, 300gsm and
Cellulose paper for exercises
Professional watercolor paints:
Any professional brand will suit: Schmincke, White Nights, Sennelier, Daniel Smith, Rembrandt, Van Gogh etc.
Colors Yana is using:
- Lunar Black from Daniel Smith in a tube or Oxid Black/Yellow - Dusk from Van Gogh
- Lavender (Van Gogh/Mijello) or Royal Blue (Sennelier)
- Permanent Red (Van Gogh/Mijello)
- Cadmium Orange (Rembrandt) or Vermilion (Mijello)
- Indigo (Schmincke)
- Royal Blue (Sennelier)
- Olive green (Sennelier)
- Madder lake deep (Van Gogh)
- Quinacridone Coral (Daniel Smith)
- Dioxazine purple (White Nights)
- White opaque
- Flat goat brush/Hake brush 3-5 cm,
- Round synthetic brush Escoda Perla #10
- Calligraphy brush, hair mix, 1 cm
- Schlepper brush/Rigger brush/Liner brush, natural hair (sable/Kolinsky) #1
- Plastic/Glass/any other water resistant board (not a wooden one)
- Pencil/eraser
- Paper towels
- 2 Cups of water
- Watercolor palette or a white plate
- Salt